Physical Education
No formal home learning is set for PE in Key Stage Three, but we encourage students to develop healthy and active lifestyles, and we strongly recommend the wide range of sports clubs offered by our PE Department as part of this.Key Stage 3
For GCSE students are set one home learning task a week; this is typically on an online system called EverLearner. The home learning tasks are made up of a variety of different activities. These can be topic quizzes (providing immediate feedback), tutorials which run through different topics students have been taught in lessons, and finally exam simulator, which enables students to complete exam-style questions. Teachers also have the option to deviate away from theory-based home learning when necessary to ask students to collate practical video evidence for their chosen three sports, which will then be submitted to teachers on a memory stick. For the CNAT Sport course no work may be completed at home for Unit R181 or Unit R182, in accordance with exam board requirements. For Unit R180, students are set one home learning task a week on an online system called EverLearner. The home learning tasks are made up of a variety of different activities. These can be topic quizzes (providing immediate feedback), tutorials which run through different topics students have been taught in lessons, and finally exam simulator, which enables students to complete exam-style questions.Key Stage 4
Physical Education
Sports Studies