There are three main pathways students can choose between at the end of Year 11: A general overview of 16+ pathways from the DfE can be viewed below:Choices at 16+
This page explains the possible pathways students can take at the end of Year 11
The National Careers Service has also produced a guide for 16+ choices, called Get the Jump: Skills for Life which can be viewed here.
Details of entry to the Beaumont School Sixth Form, including the application process and courses offered can be found elsewhere on this website.The Sixth Form
Our two local FE colleges are Oaklands and West Herts College. The video below has been created for schools by Oaklands College to explain their offer to students joining at 16+Further Education
Many FE Colleges are now offering T-levels as part of their curriculum. The video below explains what T-levels are:T-levels
The video below explains Higher and Degree Apprenticeships, which students begin at 16+ and 18+Apprenticeships
In the video below, industry leaders discuss university degree and Degree Apprenticeship pathways:
As well as information from teachers in school, all students in Year 8 and above may request an impartial advice and guidance meeting with Alison Curnow, our HCC Services for Young People Personal Adviser. To do this, students or parents should speak to the relevant Head of Year. HSfYP advice can also be accessed out of school hours, including during the school holidays. More information about their St Albans “access point” can be found here.Impartial Advice and Guidance