Careers Education and IAG
The information on this webpage is aimed at students, parents/carers, education and training providers and employers.
A programme of Impartial Advice and Guidance (IAG) is developed as students progress through the school, especially from Year 9 onwards as students make decisions about what Key Stage 4 options to take, thereby starting the process of firming up on their areas of interest and possible future education, training and career paths.
Students receive excellent impartial advice, information and careers guidance throughout their time at the school – OFSTED 2014
If you are a Beaumont student … If you are a Beaumont parent/carer … If you are an employer or Further or Higher Education provider …
Throughout their time at Beaumont we aim to help students to: In addition, we are committed to enabling our students to: For students in Years 7 to 11 impartial advice and guidance is delivered as part of the PSHCEE / Life Skills programme and as discrete activities on Personal Development Days. Outside speakers and contributors are invited whenever appropriate. In Years 12 and 13 careers guidance (including guidance for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships and university entrance) is delivered through the Tutorial and PSHCEE programmes and again on certain Personal Development Days. As part of their impartial advice and guidance students will Individual guidance interviews are available for all students in Years 7 to 13 upon request, but in addition, every student in Year 9 and Year 11 has a personal interview with a senior member of staff in order to help them clarify their thoughts about life post 16 and identify the appropriate option(s) to pursue, including Further or Higher Education and Apprenticeship pathways. We have a well-equipped Careers Library within the main Library, where pupils have access to a wide range of information on courses in further and higher education and employment and training opportunities and also to a number of useful software packages to help them investigate and make decisions about the options open to them. The Library has open access throughout the day, and the Library staff and Mr Cross – Careers Leader – are always happy to help with any queries. You can contact Mr Cross via the school switchboard or email Beaumont works closely with HCC Services for Young People to provide additional support, and many students benefit from discussing their options with the Services for Young People Personal Adviser for Beaumont Mrs Alison Curnow. Mrs Curnow visits the school on a weekly basis and offers students an impartial and confidential service to help them think about their options both in school and beyond, be it further education at a college, the Sixth Form, higher education, an Apprenticeship or Traineeship or employment. Students are offered a one to one interview with Mrs Curnow, the majority being at key transition points e.g. Year 11, 12 or 13, but many students also see her for the first time earlier in their school careers As well having as specific appointments, Mrs Curnow also offers a drop-in facility and is also available to give advice via email. Appointments with or contact details for Mrs Curnow can be requested from your Head of Year. Further information about Services for Young People is available on their website which can be accessed here. All Year 10 students complete a one week Work Experience placement, and some older students also have the opportunity to participate in targeted work experience. Beaumont is fully committed to ensuring that all students are made fully aware of the choices post 16. To this end, at the Year 11 Moving On parent and student information evening, information about Further Education and Apprenticeships is provided by representatives from these sectors to all those attending, as well as guidance on entering the Sixth Form. In addition, the Year 11 Moving On Curriculum Enrichment Day features a Careers Fair at which local and national providers of employment, training and Apprenticeships are present, alongside representatives from both Further and Higher Education. Any education or training provider wishing to participate in this event or requesting the opportunity to talk to students about approved technical qualifications or Apprenticeships should contact the school’s Careers Leader, Mr C Cross (Assistant Headteacher), via the school Reception or this website. The latest version of the Provider Access Policy can be viewed here. The programme of Careers Education, Enterprise and Work-Related skills undertaken in a typical school year can be found as an annexe to the Beaumont CEIAG policy which can be viewed here.Careers Education and Impartial Advice and Guidance at Beaumont
The world of careers and impartial advice and guidance changes rapidly so for the latest information, please visit the Beaumont Careers blog: The school’s Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) policy, which includes details of the curriculum provision, can be downloaded here. Parents/carers and students may also wish to contact the The National Careers Service Click here for more information. Click here to visit the website. Click here for a Parent’s guide to study pathways.Impartial Advice & Guidance (IAG)
National Careers Service
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), has launched a telephone careers helpline for students as part of the National Careers Service. Support is available from trained advisers who will talk through issues, offering confidential advice and practical help. Advisers are available from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week, telephone 0800 100 900, or for text messages on 0776 641 3219. There is also a ‘chat on-line’ facility.Careers telephone advice
All students in Years 7 to 13 are given access to the Unifrog platform, which provides impartial advice and guidance about their possible future pathways at 14+, 16+ and 18+.Unifrog
Apprenticeships combine working for an employer (including a salary, employee benefits, &c) and ongoing education and training. There are entry points at 16+ and 18+ resulting in different levels of qualification up to Degree level. You can download a general guide to Apprenticeships here. You can download a quick guide to Higher and Degree here. For more detailed information about Higher and Degree Apprenticeships, you can view or download a booklet, produced by Which Uni, here. You can search the UCAS listings of currently offered Apprenticeships here. Copies of these documents are available from the school Careers Library.Apprenticeships
Knowing the trends in employment in your local area (Labour Market Information) is important for planning your career. The “Careerometer” below, draws upon up-to-date data from ‘LMI for All’.Labour Market Information (LMI)
Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.The “Skillsometer” from LMI for All