There are many opportunities for students to take part in activities outside lessons which broaden their enjoyment of school and develop their skills and interests. The range of clubs varies from year to year according to the expertise and interest of staff and students
An imaginative and extensive range of extra-curricular clubs, study-support and trips are offered by the school. Students spoke enthusiastically about these well-attended opportunities, which take place at lunchtime and after school – OFSTED 2014 There is a particularly impressive range of opportunities available to students interested in Music, sport and Drama and Beaumont’s long-standing reputation for excellence in these areas continues to grow. In addition, there are other clubs such as a Home Learning Club, Science Club, Reading Clubs, Computer Clubs, Art clubs and Chess Club which cater for a wide variety of interest and age groups. The Technology workshops, the Art and Photography rooms, and the computer rooms are usually open for students to continue with work in progress, supported by staff and in some cases, Sixth Form students. Beyond the classroom, each year we have cohorts of students entered for the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Awards. 2009 saw the start of a House system at Beaumont which operates for inter-form competitions both as year groups and vertically down the school. The Houses will develop the community cohesion that is already a strong feature at Beaumont.
Extra-Curricular Activities Programme: 2024-2025