Parent Messaging
Parent e-mail communication
We use a secure email system, linked to the school’s My Child At School (Bromcom) software, to take payments communicate key information to parents on a regular basis. This will include issuing school reports, reminders of school events (such as parents evenings) and calendar updates, as well as our monthly newsletter Beaumont Life. In the event of a school closure, for example resulting from extreme weather conditions, parents should be notified by this system (as well as via messages on local radio and the school website). The email address we use for parent messaging is the one you submitted via the “gold form” on joining Beaumont. It is therefore essential that this address is correct and checked regularly if you are to be kept aware of key information. If you wish to check or update the email address through which you are contacted, please speak to the Finance Dept via the main switchboard.
Beaumont App
Parent communication for smart devices
We are proud to announce the official Beaumont mobile app, keeping parents in touch with the school through latest news feeds, calendar, term dates and push notifications which allow us to send you short messages reminding you of key dates and events. Additionally we can now inform you of incidents such as snow days and closures without you having to check first on the school website. The app is available through the App Store and Google play. You are able to select notification ‘Groups’ to which to belong, such as your child’s Year Group and particular interests such as Drama, Music and PE. We will aim to target notifications accordingly to ensure you receive only the information you need. We are not using the login function for the app at this time and so no user’s personal data will be retained.