Ofsted Report
Beaumont was inspected by OFSTED in March 2014 and the school was judged to be outstanding in all areas.
Below are some direct quotes from the inspection report:
- Students receive an outstanding education at Beaumont School that prepares them extremely well for their future.
- The school provides a broad and balanced range of subjects throughout all key stages, including an appropriate balance between academic and work-related subjects in Years 10 to 13.
- Students make outstanding progress and their attainment, including that of the most able students, in gaining five or more A* to C grades including English and mathematics is much better than in other schools nationally.
- Students supported by pupil-premium funding achieve better than is typically found nationally.
- There are high levels of support for spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of learning.
- Students receive excellent impartial advice, information and careers guidance throughout their time at the school.
Teaching & Learning
- Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and demonstrate a passion and love for their subject.
- Teachers plan exciting, challenging lessons that stretch students’ thinking.
School Ethos
- Students are very respectful towards each other and their teachers.
- The behaviour and attitudes of students is exemplary in and out of the classroom.
- Students unreservedly said they enjoyed all their lessons and felt all subjects gave them the chance to succeed and prepare them for the next steps in their education.
- Students respect their teachers. Relationships are strong.
- Students said they are taught well.
- Students arrive at lessons punctually confirming that they enjoy school life.
Leadership & Management
- The Headteacher, Leadership Team and the Governors have a relentless focus on raising achievement for all students in the school.
Sixth Form
- Achievement in the Sixth Form is outstanding.
- Teaching in the Sixth Form is outstanding.
- Leadership of the Sixth Form is outstanding.
- Students make outstanding progress which means they leave Year 13 with standards well above average.
To read the full report, please click here.