Computer Science
Computer Science is concerned with the development of students’ problem-solving skills and teaching them to think logically to solve complex problems.
In Computer Science students create computer programs, build computer games, learn how a computer operates, build websites, learn to use a computer in a safe manner and develop their digital literacy skills. Our Computer Science curriculum is both fun and stretching, covering aspects of Computer Science, digital literacy and creativity. The areas of study offer students broad experiences within the subject area. Over the course of Key Stage 3, students will have experienced and studied many different areas of Computer Science to give them a taste of what the subject entails. Students study Computer Science for 45 minutes a week in Years 7, 8 and 9. Students sit end of topic tests or submit folders for formal marking. Students can select to study OCR GCSE Computer Science in Key Stage 4 or Cambridge Nationals in IT. Builds on the foundation of knowledge acquired at Key Stage 3 and is intensely practical in nature. This qualification is assessed through two theory based examinations and one controlled assessment. Students develop programming skills throughout the course in preparation to complete a controlled assessment during Year 11. This is a substantial project of 20 hours in duration. Topics are chosen from a range set by the examination board, but in recent years students have designed and developed programs such as complex calculators, hangman games, arithmetic quizzes and technical trouble-shooters. As part of the theory based examination, students study many key topic areas; Systems Architecture, Networking and Protocols, Systems Security, Systems Software, Computational Thinking, Programming Techniques, Computational Logic, Data Representation and Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Concerns. Unit 1 Exam: Computer systems – This unit covers the body of knowledge about computer systems on which the examination will be based. 1 hour 30 minutes written paper (50%) Unit 2 Exam: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming – This unit covers the data representation and computational logic and programming techniques. 1 hour 30 minutes written paper (50%) Unit 3 Controlled Assessment: Programming project – Learners will need to design, create and test a fully coded solution. 20 hours programming task. Creative iMedia students will complete the following units: R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry R094: Visual identity and digital graphics R097: Interactive digital media Exam board OCR Assessment: R093 is a written paper – 1 hour, 30 minutes, worth 80 marks. The remaining two units are Controlled Assessments which are internally marked then go through external moderation. R093 unit is worth 40%, R094 25% and R097 35%. Cambridge National IT students will complete the following units: R050: IT in the Digigtal world R060: Data manipulation using spreadsheets R070: Using Augmented reality to present information Exam board OCR Assessment: R050 is a written paper – 1 hour, 30 minutes, worth 80 marks. The remaining two units are Controlled Assessments which are internally marked then go through external moderation. R050 unit is worth 40%, R60 30% and R070 30%. ICT Cambridge Technicals at Beaumont School is a popular option. It is a wide ranging subject that covers a range of current personal and ICT related components. These include communication and employability skills for ICT, Information systems, creating Interactive multimedia products and Website creation. This can be taken as a one or two year course. In the first year students will take the two compulsory exam units. Students will look at and develop the skills that are directly relevant to employment situations, learning to work autonomously and effectively in an ICT context. In the second year they will also develop their understanding of specialist areas of ICT by looking at software use in industry, designing and creating their own products. First year: 2 units Both units are written exams with a combination of multiple choice and long answer questions. Second year: 3 units The course develops a range of skills, from requirements analysis and the design of algorithms through to implementation using a range of programming techniques. The course is excellent preparation for anyone looking to take Computer Science at degree level, or for anyone considering any kind of career in computing or related engineering or creative industries. Computer Science is a practical subject where you can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real-world systems. Through this qualification, you can develop: This course is ideal for those wishing to follow a career in the field of Technology, Engineering or Design, for example; Aeronautical Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Software Engineer, Computer Programmer, Computer Analyst, Games Designer, etc. The qualification could also lead to Apprenticeship programmes or vocational courses at Colleges to further specialise in networking, telecoms and mobile devices, games design etc. Computer Science and Engineering are expected to continue as major growth industries, with many new positions created each year. A-level Computing combines well with Maths, Sciences and Business options, but also with creative subjects. Computer Science A-Level is a practical subject where students can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real world systems. We study a range of topics including programming, problem solving, hardware architecture, software development, data structures and algorithms. What units do we teach? Unit 1: Computer systems This covers the characteristics of contemporary systems architecture; software and software development; exchanging data; data types, data structures and algorithms; and legal, ethical, moral and cultural issues. Unit 2: Algorithms and Programming This covers elements of computational thinking, programming techniques, software development methodologies and standard algorithms. A scenario will be given and you will be asked to design an appropriate solution. Unit 3: Programming project Through coursework, you will gain an understanding of definition, investigation and analysis, system design, software development and testing and evaluating. Your project will be of your own choice, assessed internally and moderated by an external examiner. Unit 1: Computer systems 2 hours and 30 minutes written paper 40% of total A Level KS3 Coding club The Computer Science faculty aims to enrich students learning beyond the classroom. We have developed close links with the University of Hertfordshire Computer Science faculty, as well as other companies and organisations. Twitter: @BeauCompSci To see the frequently asked questions, please click hereKey Stage 3
Key Stage 4
OCR Computer Science
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Creative iMedia (taught 2024-25)
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in IT (taught from 2025)
Key Stage 5
OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technicals Certificate (AS in Y12) and Introductory Diploma (A Level in Y13).
Unit 1 – Fundamentals of IT.
Unit 2 – Global information.
There are a range of optional units which can be studied during this year. These will be practical, hands on units using a range of software including app, website and animation development and project manangement.OCR A level Computer Science
Course Aims
Future Pathways
Assessment overview
Unit 2: Algorithms and programming 2 hours and 30 minutes written paper 40% of total A Level
Unit 3: Programming project 20% of total A levelExtra-curricular enrichment
Yearly tips to Bletchley park and the National Computing museum.
Robotics trip Thorpe ParkStretch & Challenge
Where can Computer Science take you?
How parents can support their child’s learning
Useful links