Religious Education / Philosophy, Ethics & Religion
Students in Year 7 will be set around three home learning tasks per half term. Students in Year 8 will be set around five home learning tasks per half term. Tasks will take the form of either reading, retrieval or revision. Both year groups will be set tasks consisting of Carousel Learning quizzes, Google Forms, creating revision resources/knowledge organisers, reading followed by comprehension questions or assessment preparation. Students should spend no longer than 20 minutes on these tasks.Key Stage 3
Students are expected to spend 45 minutes completing their Philosophy, Ethics and Religion home learning each week. Tasks will involve completing exam style questions, revision for end of unit tests or completing learning tasks on the online platform Kerboodle. They are desgined to embed knowledge and refine exam technique. All tasks and instructions will be set on their Google Classroom.Key Stage 4
Guidance for independent learning in Philosophy, Ethics & Religion can be found here.Key Stage 5