Physical Education
Beaumont PE Department strives to create an inclusive environment in which all students have the opportunity to become physically, socially and morally literate.
Our aim is to enrich the lives of students through sport and physical activity and educate all students in the lifelong benefits of leading an active, healthy lifestyle. All students at Key Stage 3 take part in a varied programme of activities covering all Key Processes outlined in the National Curriculum for Physical Education: During Key Stage 3, students will experience a range of activities in lessons including; Netball, Football, Rugby, Hockey, Basketball, Rounders, Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis, Health and Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Gaelic Football, Pickleball and Athletics. Assessment Activities are usually taught in nine lesson ‘blocks’ and assessment is continual in all practical activities, in line with whole school assessment policies. At the end of each block, students are provided with a practical assessment grade, along with an understanding assessment grade for each activity covered. The following areas are applicable when assessing student progress in PE at Key Stage 3; At Key Stage 4, all students will take part in core (practical) PE for two lessons per week. During these lessons, classes will follow a pathway of activities, with the emphasis on providing positive experiences to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. These may include competitive competitions and games. Student may also be given the opportunity to coach and officiate during lessons, Those students who enjoy these roles will also have the opportunity to complete a Level 1 Sports Leaders Award. The pathways include areas of activity such as Health and Fitness, Invasion games, Striking and Fielding games, Net / Wall games, Aesthetic Activities and Athletics Activities. Students are also able to choose one of the following courses as part of the options block; Assessment GCSE Physical Education Course Overview: Exam Board – AQA Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport (30% of GCSE) What is assessed: Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport (30% of GCSE) What is assessed: Non-exam assessment: Practical performance in physical activity and sport (40%) What is assessed: Practical performance in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer (one in a team activity, one in an individual activity and a third in either a team or in an individual activity). Analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity. Qualification grading will be on a 9- 1 scale, with 9 being the highest grade Useful information can be found on the following website Students are also encouraged to set their own challenging targets following feedback from teachers. Course Overview Exam Board – OCR The Cambridge National in Sport Science will encourage students to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Sport Science; developing skills that can be applied to real-life contexts. The following units are studied across the two year course. All three units are mandatory for the qualification. Useful information can be found on the following website At Key Stage 5 we offer two examined courses; We also provide a comprehensive extra curricular programme, playing competitive fixtures in Rugby, Football, Netball, Hockey, Cross Country and Athletics. Key Stage 5 students also regularly take part in our annual Dance Display. Our sixth form sports captains also assist in the delivery of extra curricular sport for the lower school and are given responsibility to coach and officiate matches or performances Assessment OCR A LEVEL PE COURSE AIMS Students must have a genuine interest in sport as a science. Students must recognise and be able to cope with, the much greater theoretical element of this course as compared to GCSE. To see the frequently asked questions, please click hereKey Stage 3
Key Stage 4
CNAT Sport Science (taught 2024-25)
Key Stage 5
Theory | Applied anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics | 2hr written paper 90 marks / 30% | |
Sports Psychology and Acquisition of Skill | 1hr written paper 60 marks / 20% | 70% | |
Socio-Cultural and Contemporary issues in Sport | 1hr written paper 60 marks / 20% | ||
Practical | Practical Performance / Coaching in one sporting activity | 30 marks / 15% | 30% |
Evaluation and Analysis of Performance Improvement | 30 marks / 15% |
A thorough understanding of one sport and the ability, not only to develop skills and perform to a high standard, but also to be able to talk in depth about one of these chosen sports. Pupils will be expected to complete the practically assessed elements of the course outside of lesson time. Examination Board – OCR Course information The course is taught across the BeauSandVer Consortium. This course is worth 2 A levels and is studied over 2 years [2 timetabled blocks] and equates to 2 A Level choices. Examination details There are 11 units: 8 are marked internally and moderated by the exam board; 3 are external exams marked by the exam board. Qualifications To access this course you need to have gained either a C grade in GCSE PE or a Merit award in the BTEC Level 2 course. A grade C in GCSE English is also essential, due to the amount of written work required. About the course The course is the natural progression for students who have studied the BTEC Sport course at GCSE level or GCSE PE. Students need to have a real interest in sport, fitness, coaching, sports performance and health. For those students considering a career within the sporting industry this would be an advisable course due to the vocational element and link to working life. The units will give skills, knowledge and understanding relating to key aspects of the delivery of sport and physical activity. Transferable skills such as planning, communication, adaptability and leadership will be gained. There will be a mixture of practical and theory lessons in each unit and opportunities for students to visit areas within the sporting industry. Students will need to be organised and able to work within a timeframe that enables them to meet deadlines. Examples of units studied: Assessment Throughout each unit students are set a number of assignments that are assessed internally and some set by and marked by the board. The final mark from each unit is used to calculate the overall grade. Grades awarded are Distinction, Merit and Pass, all of which equate to university entry points. The style of assignment will vary from a power point presentation, written analysis or essay style answers to verbal presentations. Students will need to be well organised, able to work independently and have good time management skills in order to succeed. The ability to stay on top of coursework is vital. A good understanding of the English language and ICT skills will be a huge advantage. Home Learning Home Learning is set regularly for both A Level and CTECH PE. Students are also expected to complete wider reading around the subject. Homework will typically be set by each teacher on a weekly basis. Tasks will either enhance learning already completed in class, or prepare students for future topics and themes. The PE Department at Beaumont prides itself on providing a comprehensive extra curricular programme. There are numerous clubs and training sessions running throughout lunchtime and after school, across a range of activities, which complement our curriculum offer. We also have competitive fixture schedules in our main sports, which include Saturday fixtures for Rugby and Football. Our other main sports are Netball, Hockey, Basketball, Athletics, Tennis, Rounders and Cross Country. The department also runs trips and visits to sporting venues on a regular basis. 2017 saw our first ever, highly successful, senior rugby tour to Canada. Our students have also attended many major sporting events in the UK this year. Our teams and individuals regularly win competitions at District, County and Regional Level. We have also been award School Games Gold Mark for 2017- 2018, which is recognition for our commitment to high quality school sport. During lessons, students are stretched and challenged through providing differentiated work based on their ability. Students on examined courses are expected to read around the topics covered in class, including the use of the PE review publication which can be found in the Library. We also provide opportunities to attend revision conferences at A Level and GCSE. Students who excel at a specific sport are sent for District, County and Regional trials and we regularly have representation in these squads. We have also forged a number of strong school-club links, where students are encouraged to join up with local teams. Students who have studied GCSE and/or A Level PE have gone on to careers in the following fields; Please ensure that your child has full and correct PE kit for all lessons. If your child is considering studying GCSE or A Level PE, we would strongly advise that they are regularly playing sport outside of school. Students are assessed in both team sports and individual sports, so a broad range of sporting experiences can be extremely beneficial. Please also join our twitter page for up to date information on all things Beaumont PE! @BeaumontPE – TwitterLevel 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma in Sport and Physical Activity
Extra-curricular enrichment
Stretch & Challenge
Where can PE take you?
How parents can support their child’s learning
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