Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
We run the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at all three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. We currently have 63 Bronze, 46 Silver and 12 Gold participants, which is our largest cohort yet. We are very grateful for all the staff and parents who volunteer to make Beaumont DofE such a successful centre. As well as the well-known expedition, students also have to complete three other sections (four at Gold level). Our students do a wide variety of different activities. We are very proud of their hard work! Here are some examples of what is going on:
Skills: Stefan Cayless (Bronze) is learning Mandarin Chinese, Gracie Fletcher (Bronze) is learning Makaton sign language, Eve Harrison (Silver) is improving her cooking skills, Amy McAlister (Silver) plays the saxophone, and James Jarman (Gold) is learning to drive.
Volunteering: George Cox (Bronze) coaches rugby, Matthew Laanest (Bronze) helps at Sunday School, Emma Malley (silver) helps with a Cubs group, Alfie Tucker (Silver) works in a charity shop, and Kira Stevenson (Gold) helps out with a Brownie group.
Physical: Clare Baker (Bronze) plays netball, William Lewis (Bronze) plays tennis, Alex Tarsounas (Silver) is improving his snowboarding skills, Sol Gosine (Silver) does JuJitsu, and Jonathan Larkworthy (Gold) does trampolining.
Residential: Andrew Oliver (Gold) has a cookery course planned, Bill LewellynJones (Gold) is going on a sailing week, Laura Pankhurst (Gold) took part in the National Citizenship Service and Joe Vernon (Gold) will be volunteering at Phasels Wood Scout Activity Centre.
Ella Dickson, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Coordinator