Mr Atkinson congratulated jubilant students and staff who are celebrating another year of record ‘A’ level examination results for Beaumont. ‘It’s particularly rewarding that so many students have reached or surpassed their aspirations, with our highest ever number of top exam grades across an expanding range of subjects’. Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Tolley, praised the strength of character, good nature and resilience of the leaving cohort. ‘Many students achieved straight A or A* grades, earning them places at a wide range of prestigious universities, on highly competitive courses. For the third consecutive year, our students have achieved a record number of Oxbridge places, with 8 students entering Cambridge or Oxford Universities this autumn’.
Students pictured include:
Alexia, studying Business & HR management; Ben, studying History; Dan, studying Maths & Philosophy; Fatima studying PPE; Harry studying Chemistry; Polina, studying Medicine.