Lego League triumph!

Congratulations to the student teams on their successes at the First Lego League competition yesterday, run by the Institution of Engineering & Technology.

The Year 9 team won the Core Values Award and a special Judges’ Award.

The Year 10 team won Best Robot Design.


As if that wasn’t enough, Dr Jones won the Team Coach Award!! 🏆🏆🏆🏆

Visit by Daisy Cooper MP

Our local representative, Daisy Cooper MP, has visited the school to meet our newly elected Student Parliament.

Shortly afterwards, our Sixth Form ‘A’ level Politics students were invited to visit Ms Cooper at the Houses of Parliament, where they discussed issues including economic growth, assisted dying and populism.


S.T.E.M. success

A group of Year 9 and year 10 Design and Technology enthusiasts took part in the annual Rotary Technology Tournament in Katherine Warrington School last month.  The students competed against 220 other students from 12 secondary schools from around Hertfordshire.
The young engineers had to design and build a vehicle to remove debris in a pipeline, using a switch, a battery / motor combination and a speed-reducing pulley system.  The teams were judged by the evidence of their planning, analysis of the design problems and constraints, development work and communication, as well as the realisation and final testing performance.

Our Year 10 team won first prize in the Key Stage 4 / intermediate category with an incredible performance!  All four Beaumont teams did a fantastic job and were a credit to the school!

Beaumont Speaks!

📢 Beaumont Speaks: Meet our new Student Parliament! 🎉

We’re proud to announce the elected representatives of Beaumont’s very first Student Parliament! 🗳️👏

This incredible group of students from Years 7 – 12 will work to drive forward student voice and leadership, making sure Beaumont students’ ideas and opinions are heard.

Congratulations to our duly elected representatives — your journey as leaders begins now and we can’t wait to see the positive difference you will make! A huge thank you also to all the incredible candidates who stood in this whole-school election.

Stay tuned for updates on the first Parliament meeting and all the exciting initiatives ahead!

Beaumont Bake-Off 2024

Beaumont students (with a lot of help from parents and carers!) have outdone themselves in this year’s charity Inter-House Bake-Off, raising £1179 for The Ollie Foundation and Save The Children UK.

Here are just some of the spectacular entries …

Eco-School Green Award

We are very pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Eco-SchoolGreen Award, with Distinction, for our sustainability work in 23/24. The assessors were very impressed and mentioned that Beaumont’s application truly stood out and it is evident that young people at Beaumont are aware of environmental issues and passionate about protecting our planet. Please see our webpage for all of the activities that have taken place over the last few years.

So far this term the Sustainability Club lunchtime club has collected tree saplings and acorns to pot out when ready, and help further improve biodiversity within our school grounds. This is working towards our #30by30 school target of having rewilded 30% of our school grounds by 2030. We have also collected recyclable materials to take part in a Biocraft competition for Biology Week, run by the Royal Society of Biology, to build a biology-themed piece of art out of waste materials, and we have recently pledged to take part in UCL’s Ocean Health Challenge, aimed to develop our students creativity and problem-solving skills by designing a solution to stop plastics entering the ocean. Watch this space to see how we do!

Henry Fraser – Inspirational Speaker

On Tuesday 24th September, Beaumont hosted an event to raise funds for the amazing local charity YouthTalk, who provide mental health support to young people between 13 and 25. Henry Fraser, whose story inspired the new and successful musical The Little Big Things, supported the charity with a live Q&A where the audience were treated to his thoughtful and uplifting outlook on life. Henry was a talented young rugby player at 17, when he suffered a life changing accident, which left him with no movement below his neck. From this moment on, he has captured the imagination, admiration and awe of everyone he encounters, through his two books, his incredible paintings which have been widely exhibited, and his motivational speaking. It was a wonderful evening which everyone in the audience felt privileged to be able to attend.

Launch of ‘Beaumont Speaks’

Today, Year 13 students proudly launched Beaumont Speaks to Year 7, introducing the creation of Beaumont’s first-ever Student Parliament!

This exciting initiative will provide further opportunities for student leadership and ensure that student voice is at the heart of what we do.

  • Each year group will elect two representatives to sit in the Parliament, meeting every term to share ideas and initiatives
  • Year group reps will work closely with form reps and have Sixth Form leaders to guide them
  • Members will also present on key issues directly to school leadership

Outstanding GCSE Results

Students and teachers are celebrating another year of outstanding GCSE results. Mr Atkinson said, ‘I am delighted that our students have matched the very high standards set by previous cohorts. We are looking forward to starting the new term with our largest Sixth Form ever.’

Assistant Headteacher, Mr Gray, added: ‘The members of this year group have excelled in extra-curricular activities, including sport, Music, Drama and the DofE Award Scheme and now they have reached the highest levels academically across all areas of the curriculum. I am immensely proud of this tremendous success, which is down to the hard work they and their teachers have put into their studies, in spite of the challenges they faced due to the Covid pandemic. The students have embodied the character of the school by pulling together and supporting each other to achieve their very best’.

‘A’ level results success

Mr Atkinson congratulated jubilant students and staff who are celebrating another year of record ‘A’ level examination results for Beaumont.  ‘It’s particularly rewarding that so many students have reached or surpassed their aspirations, with our highest ever number of top exam grades across an expanding range of subjects’.  Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Tolley, praised the strength of character, good nature and resilience of the leaving cohort.  ‘Many students achieved straight A or A* grades, earning them places at a wide range of prestigious universities, on highly competitive courses.  For the third consecutive year, our students have achieved a record number of Oxbridge places, with 8 students entering Cambridge or Oxford Universities this autumn’.

Students pictured include:

Alexia, studying Business & HR management; Ben, studying History; Dan, studying Maths & Philosophy; Fatima studying PPE; Harry studying Chemistry; Polina, studying Medicine.