Entries by Charles Cross

Outstanding ‘A’ level results

Jubilant students and staff are celebrating another year of outstanding ‘A’ level examination results. Mr Atkinson said: ‘It’s particularly rewarding that so many students have reached or surpassed their aspirations, in a year that has seen a national reduction in the number of higher grades awarded. Mrs Tolley, Head of Sixth Form, praised the hard […]

Personal Development Week 2023

This week, students have participated in the first, full Personal Development Week since the Covid pandemic. There was an array of community and character-building activities on offer; from residential trips to France and Germany to school-based Sustainability and Arts projects. The video montage below gives a flavour of the week …  

Year 7 & 8 Drama Clubs presentations

In spite of the heat, the Year 7 and Year 8 Drama Clubs delighted their audiences with their productions this week: Year 7 students, under the guidance of their Drama teachers and Year 12 Subject Captains, used the Beaumont Amphitheatre to present: Finding Neverland The Year 8 students performed: A Voice in the Void!  This […]

Year 13, Class of 2023

The departing Year 13 Class of 2023 has gone on Study Leave today. This cohort are facing their first set of external examinations this year as their Year 11 public exams were cancelled, due to Covid-19.  As is the Beaumont tradition, students came to school on their final day in fancy dress to mark the […]

Year 11 Graduation Ceremony

We have celebrated the leaving, Year 11 Class of 2023.  At a special evening event for students, parents and carers, there were speeches for the Head of Year 11, Miss Cooper; the Year 11 Form Tutors and student representatives.  There were fond and humorous recollections of the past five years, with special mention of the […]

Culture Day – 2023

Students and staff have celebrated the diversity of cultures and heritages within the Beaumont School community with our first ever, student-led, Culture Day. The event featured a festival of foods, prepared by students and their families … … alongside Mehndi painting, cultural dress and displays.

Inter-House Charity Bake-Off 2022

The Great Beaumont Inter-House Charity Bake-Off made a triumphant return after Covid restrictions. Students (and parents/carers) from all of the eight school Houses rose to new heights in their culinary efforts, the sale of which raised over £800 for the Trussell Trust.

Outstanding GCSE Results

Students and teachers are celebrating another year of outstanding GCSE results. Mr Atkinson said, ‘I am delighted that our students have surpassed the very high standards set by previous cohorts. We are looking forward to starting the new term with our largest and best qualified Sixth Form ever.’  Head of Year 11, Ms Cleverly, added: […]