Year 8 Drama Club
Year 8 Drama Club premiered their ‘What Goes Up, But Never Comes Down?’ show recently. It was a beautiful piece of drama exploring different stages of life as we grow. It was a promenade performance which led the audience through different performance spaces around school. The audience found this very unusual and exciting. The characters change from playing tag and dreaming of being super heroes, to showing the pressures of teenage life and the transition to becoming adults where the circle of life begins again!
Completely devised by Year 8 with the direction of the Year 12 Drama Captains and assistants, congratulations on a fabulous piece!
Miss McPhee
On Monday 6 March, the Beaumont Junior Drama Company, made up of Year 9 Drama students, took part in the Welwyn Youth Drama Festival with their production of Arbeit Macht Frei, by Paul King. The play explores the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis in the Second World War, showing glimpses of this harrowing event in history.
After the week’s long festival, made up of 21 youth theatre groups, and approximately 400 young actors from across Hertfordshire and North London; Beaumont Youth Drama Company were nominated for the Adjudicator’s award, winning the Technical Theatre award and winning first place for the Junior award category! Our group, made up of 38 students, are thrilled and proud of their result.
Ms Wallace