Tears of joy and relief at ‘A’ level results success
Beaumont students have overcome the challenges of the Covid pandemic to achieve outstanding results in their ‘A’ level and BTEC courses, with a record number securing a place at a university of their choice. Twins Rob and Tom Linzell (pictured) will be taking degrees in Engineering next year as a result of being awarded five A* two A grades.
Mr Atkinson (Headteacher) said, “I am immensely proud of what this cohort has achieved in unprecedented circumstances. Throughout the periods of national lockdown, their teachers ensured that quality learning could continue remotely, backed up with additional support from the pastoral staff, and our Year 13 students rose to the challenge brilliantly”. Mrs Powdrell (Deputy Headteacher), added, “As a school, we were able to meet all of the quality assurance standards set by Ofqual and the exam boards in how we assessed our students and we are confident that our leavers have gained skills and qualifications that will enable them to embrace fully the opportunities of Higher Education and beyond”.