Home Learning
We believe that home learning is an important part of students’ education, extending and reinforcing work done in school.
It is set regularly for all students and the amount set increases as students progress through the school. Home learning is any work or activity which students are required to do outside of lesson time and tasks can include reading, revising, researching, planning, designing and sketching in addition to written work. We believe that home learning is important because it helps students: Students are given a Planner in which to record the details of home learning set and to help them organise their work. Students in Years 7 and 8 will also have a Home Learning Plan which sets out the amount and frequency of home learning tasks they can expect in each subject. The different groupings for teaching in Years 9 to 11 mean that it is not possible to create a generic Home Learning Plan for these Year Groups. However, general details of home learning for each subject can be found in the Curriculum Subjects pages of this website. Click here for the Year 7 Home Learning timetable, 2023-24 Click here for the Year 8 Home Learning timetable, 2023-24 Home learning will in some subjects be set once a half term and may take the form of an extended piece/interrelated pieces of work. In these cases students may be given individual deadlines and monitoring deadlines by their class teacher which they will be expected to meet in order to enable them to plan their work and complete the task(s) set by the final deadline. We believe that parental support and encouragement in ensuring that home learning tasks are done conscientiously and without distraction is crucial to our students’ learning. In order to be able to fully support their children in their learning, parents and carers need information about what work their children are expected to do at home. We therefore encourage them to check and sign their child’s Planner weekly, check Google Classroom or departmental blogs regularly for details of the major pieces of home learning and, if appropriate, to make comments or leave notes for their teacher in the Planner. Students are encouraged to seek advice from their teacher if they are having difficulty with their home learning, or are finding that it is taking a much longer time than expected. Each GCSE subject will typically set 60-90 minutes of work per week as necessary. Parents/carers are also welcome to speak to their child’s Form Tutor in the first instance if they are concerned about home learning issues.