At all levels we work at improving students’ skills in Spanish and push them to be happy and confident language learners.Spanish
From the start of Key Stage 3 until the end of Key Stage 5, the Spanish Department aims to provide an enjoyable, stimulating and effective language learning experience.
Students begin presenting themselves in detail, learn to discuss school, family and friends and then move to covering free time, film and television, healthy eating, holidays and a variety of topics across past present and future tenses by the end of Year 9. There are two lessons each week for all groups in Years 7 and 8. In Year 9, students studying two foreign languages have three lessons of each language. Students studying only one foreign language have four lessons. Students are assessed across all four core skills during the course of the year. Students sit four formal assessments during the year. We prepare students for the AQA GCSE Spanish (8692) exam. Students continue to develop their knowledge of KS3 language and discover more tenses and structures to enable them to deal with the rigour of the new GCSE exam. Students are assessed four times over the year and as they finish one topic we review and test that topic and prior work to keep previous vocabulary and structures fresh. Throughout the year we cover a mixture of skill sets and the Year 10 exam assesses all four skills. Students also sit a full mock exam in November of Year 11. The Key Stage 5 curriculum continues to develop students’ core skills with an increased level of complexity. We prepare students for the AQA A level Spanish (7692) exam. Students are expected to be aware of current affairs in Hispanic countries and to be able to discuss more complex ideas. We also study film and literature which the students analyse and discuss in essays in the final exam. In Year 13, students prepare an individual independent research project on a subject of their choice, which they present and discuss in their oral exam. The students also have weekly lessons with a foreign language assistant in order to hone and perfect their speaking skills. Students will be set small assessments each half term, with a strong focus on the threshold exams in June of Year 12. A mock exam is usually held in January of Year 13. Assessment will cover all core skills, including translation in and out of Spanish and a 15 minute speaking exam. Year 9 Cantabria trip during Personal Development Week Careers with languages are varied, students are able to combine a language with other subjects (ranging from Accountancy to Zoology) at degree level. Previous students have gone on to study languages with Law, History, Politics and Maths and have found careers, not just in teaching but in retail and the transport sector. Parents can help by checking our weekly home learning and asking what the English words mean in Spanish. Accurate spellings and use of websites are also beneficial. Students could extend their home learning by reading further online using sites recommended by their Spanish teachers. Getting used to speaking out loud helps students and they can practise their pronunciation. @BeaumontSpanish To see the frequently asked questions, please click hereCore Skills
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5
Extra-curricular enrichment
Year 10 and Year 12 Spanish Exchange TripsWhere can Spanish take you?
How parents can support their child’s learning?
Useful links
Kerboodle resources.