Your First Day
As your first day at Beaumont approaches, you might be feeling a mixture of things – excitement, nerves, uncertainty.
The most important thing to remember is that Beaumont has a very strong feeling of community and we all look out for each other. You have made a fantastic decision to come to Beaumont and everybody that you will meet wants to make sure that you get the best education and make the most of all the wonderful opportunities that exist at Beaumont. School bag Remember that you don’t need one that is so big that you can fit in it yourself? It should be able to fit in your locker. Think about whether you would be able to recognise your bag if someone else had the same one as you. Equipment Check in your booklet for the list of things that you need. There is a photo in there for you to look at. Key ring You will receive your locker key hopefully in the first few days at Beaumont. Make sure you have a decent key ring to keep your keys safe. Make sure you have a recognisable key fob attached to your key ring in case it is lost and handed in. A mobile phone (optional) If you bring a phone with you make sure: • It is inexpensive • You will recognise it if it is handed in – others may have similar! • It is switched firmly OFF at all times during the school day. Uniform Make sure you know what you should wear each day. If you’re not sure, click here! Double check yourself BEFORE leaving for school in the morning.Right, so here’s your checklist