Welcome to Year 7
Before you join Beaumont, you will have two further opportunities to find out as much as you can about your new school. The first of these is the ‘Welcome to Year 7’ evening which will be held on Thursday 20th June 2024. You will attend a talk led by your new Headteacher, Mr Atkinson and spend time with your new Form Tutor. There are also activities to help you learn more about the day-to-day elements of school life, including uniform and food. You can view the PowerPoint slides from the 2024 Welcome Evening event here. Year 6 Transition Day is on Thursday 11th July. On this day, you will have your first assembly at Beaumont, followed by a range of activities with your Form Group to help you settle in. You will also experience some exciting lessons in the subjects you will study next year. Please read your ‘Welcome to Beaumont’ letter carefully to learn more about these important events. Make sure you listen carefully to all the information that you are given and ask if you are unsure. Beaumont has an incredible reputation for providing you with an outstanding education, supported by some fantastic opportunities to get involved in lots of different clubs and activities. You should take full advantage of every opportunity you are presented with to get the most out of your time with us. I look forward to meeting all of you again and wish you an enjoyable and restful summer. Miss Kent Head of Year 7I am delighted that you have chosen Beaumont as your secondary school. It has been a pleasure to visit your primary schools to meet you over the past few months.