Disciplinary Literacy At Beaumont we are guided by the principles of disciplinary literacy: that all subjects have a core vocabulary through which they are communicated; and that reading, writing, and oracy skills are central to the study of all subjects. Staff in all disciplines model the reading of material in their lessons, with a keen awareness of the vocabulary that students must acquire in order to fully access their curriculum. We offer weekly literacy videos in registration, one per year group or key stage, which has been specifically designed to support the principles of disciplinary literacy: students hear an expert in a given subject area read with fluency, pronouncing and explaining key vocabulary to support students across the curriculum. English Lessons Reading, writing, speaking and listening are fundamental to the English curriculum. In addition to the principles of disciplinary literacy, English teachers mark all assessed work for Literacy, drawing students’ attention to inaccuracies of spelling, punctuation and grammar and providing opportunities for improvement. Accelerated Reader Once a week, students in Years 7 and 8 have a lesson based in the Library, in which they engage with the Accelerated Reader programme. This lesson is dedicated to reading, and students learn how to select books within their own Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) allowing them to take ownership of the level of challenge and rate of progress they wish to make. The Accelerated Reader programme includes termly testing that generates reading levels and allows staff and students to assess progress in reading and put support in place where needed. Year 9 English Extension In Year 9, students who opt to study a single Modern Foreign Language take part in English Extension lessons once per week. This takes the form of a ‘book club’ in which students share in the reading of a novel and then, led by their teacher, develop their oracy skills, discussing and debating the ideas raised by what they have read in that lesson. Programme of intervention We use data generated from the ‘STAR’ reading tests alongside SEN information to identify students who may be in need of Literacy support. Students selected for intervention are given twice-weekly sessions with a trained teacher or teaching assistant to complete a phonics-based reading support course: ‘That Reading Thing’ is an evidence-informed programme designed specifically for older readers to quickly and effectively develop their reading skills and help them to gain confidence. Students with English as an additional language are supported with Bedrock Learning. This is a programme with a particular focus on vocabulary acquisition and development, recognising that students with EAL may not struggle with reading skills at all, but do need support in broadening their knowledge of English. We aim to provide early intervention to students so as to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills to access the challenges of the wider curriculum.Literacy
Wider Reading at GCSE
Click on each subject for suggested wider reading: Our on-line Library Platform can be visited here.
Students continue to be supported and encouraged to value Literacy into the Sixth Form. For example, a programme – delivered in registration once a week – has been developed which enables students to read non-fiction texts alongside listening to members of staff fluently reading them. This type of modelling continues to support the ongoing development of literacy and reading ability, and the texts chosen are relevant to subjects offered at A-level or to students’ awareness of issues in the wider world. Discussion tasks are designed to explore vocabulary in both breadth and depth; consider the ethical implications raised in the text; and develop critical thinking skills essential to academic study.Key Stage 5