Home School Partnership
Throughout their school career we seek to ensure that we keep parents (and carers) well informed on all relevant matters concerning their child, and encourage them to support their child to the best of their capability.
Similarly, we encourage parents/carers to advise the school of any concerns they may have with regard to their child or his/her/their progress at school, so that all parties can work together to resolve any issues as necessary. Students are very proud of their school – OFSTED 2014 At Beaumont School we believe that all students should be able to: The details of this reciprocal relationship between the school, students and parents/carers are set out in our Home School Agreement to which all students and their parents/carers are asked to commit on entry to the school. The school aims to give parents/carers a regular flow of information about their child’s progress. In Years 7-11 we provide a report during most school terms, indicating how well the student is working at that stage of the year, as well as a record of punctuality and attendance. In the spring and summer terms this includes levels or grades to give an indication of academic attainment in each subject. The Sixth Form follows a similar pattern. In addition to reports, parents are invited once a year to an online Consultation Evening where they can speak by appointment to their child’s subject teachers. There is also a Review Day with a pastoral focus during the autumn term, on which parents/carers have the opportunity to meet with a key member of staff in person (normally their child’s tutor). We will initiate further contact with parents/carers should there be any issues of concern which require more immediate action. Parents/carers should address any concerns they may have in the first instance to their child’s Form Tutor. Further details are available in the Pastoral Care section of this site. Parents/carers are invited to ‘information evenings’ which addresses various aspects of the school’s work and curriculum, where information can be disseminated and any issues raised can be discussed. Typical subjects might include forthcoming educational trips abroad, work experience, how the school delivers drugs or Sex & Relationships Education (SRE), revision techniques and school policies. Keeping parents/carers up to date also involves a number of letters and messages being sent home over the course of the school year. We subscribe to a system of text and email communication with parents/carers in order to enable fast, efficient, economic, and environmentally friendly passing of information. The school receives feedback from parents/carers in a variety of ways, including regular independent surveys.