Promoting British Values
We fulfil our statutory duty to promote British Values through our commitment to achieving our school aims and by sharing our ethos within and beyond the Beaumont community.
Examples of how objectives from the schemes of work for PSHE and Citizenship promote discussion and adoption of “British Values” are outlined below. Further information can be found on the topic overview documents provided for each year group. Students in Year 7 learn about how the political system works in the UK and how laws are made. They consider fairness and why we need rules. Students are encouraged to develop their critical thinking and communication via deliberative debates on key issues like the age of criminal responsibility. Students in Year 8 develop their understanding of mutual respect by learning about how to conduct healthy relationships and recognise those that are unhealthy in order to safeguard themselves and wider society. Students develop empathy, understanding and tolerance for the ways in which different people in our society choose to marry and show commitment to one another. In Year 9 students learn about diversity, human rights and extremism. They explore the benefits of a diverse and cohesive society and learn how to protect communities by understanding how people are drawn into different types of extremism. Students also engage in discussions about human rights and action that can be taken to counter racism and inequality. Students in Year 10 students learn about the differences between an arranged and a forced marriage, including how to help those who may be at risk of exploitation. They consider the range of modern families that exist in our society and learn about routes to and responsibilities of parenthood. They engage in discussions about faith, values and relationships as well as diversity within intimate relationships. Year 12 In Year 12 students learn about diversity of belief in the UK and engage in discussions about whether or not religion is good for society. They further develop their knowledge about misinformation, extremism and how to prevent it. Year 13 In Year 13 students develop their understanding of how to engage in safe and respectful relationships. They explore medical ethics, gender in religion and learn about a range of religious festivals which promotes understanding and mutual respect for those of different faiths and beliefs. Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10