‘Every time I visit the school, for whatever reason, I’m always very impressed by how approachable the staff are and how much they like their students and relate to them in a positive, purposeful way.’
School Snapshots
‘If you are a sportsman, musician, actor or academic, there is room for you to reach your potential; all are given their moment in the sun.’
‘Students receive an outstanding education at Beaumont School that prepares them extremely well for their future.’
‘My son has always felt safe and happy at the school and has made lots of friends during his time there, more as the years have gone on. This has helped him feel secure and confident during his teenage years.’
‘In class, individual thought and opinion were encouraged and nurtured; I could make my voice heard; I felt valued and noticed.’
‘The school provides a broad and balanced range of subjects throughout all key stages.’
‘As well as the strong and successful academic aspect of the school it has always been clear to us that one of the school’s strengths is the ethos and philosophy that has created such a happy and friendly environment for students and parents alike.’
‘Beaumont drives all to succeed in their field, without the arrogance or elitism that often comes with success.’
‘Students make outstanding progress and their attainment, including that of the most able students.’
‘From our very first visit to Beaumont at an ‘open evening’, there has always been a sense of a special friendly, welcoming and happy atmosphere. As parents we could not have hoped for more from our children’s school.’
‘We simply enjoy coming to school.’
‘There are high levels of support for spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of learning.’
‘Beaumont is the reason we moved house – it is “our” school – the school of the local community.’
‘Students have a strong respect for the school itself and this makes them want to succeed for the future.’
‘Students receive excellent impartial advice, information and careers guidance throughout their time at the school.’
‘I can give Beaumont no higher praise than moving house in order to entrust my child’s education to it.’
‘If you are a sportsman, musician, actor or academic, there is room for you to reach your potential; all are given their moment in the sun.’
‘Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and demonstrate a passion and love for their subject.’
‘Beaumont staff are a strong, supportive community, committed to the school, each other and to looking for ways to improve the school.’
‘This isn’t just about Years 7 to 13, Beaumont will be with us forever.’
‘Teachers plan exciting, challenging lessons that stretch students’ thinking.’
‘The school provides a happy and caring community my children have simply thrown themselves into.’
‘The vast opportunities on offer meant that we could explore what we enjoyed.’
‘The Headteacher, Leadership Team and the Governors have a relentless focus on raising achievement for all students in the school.’
Beaumont News
- Lego League triumph!January 26, 2025 - 11:05 am
- Visit by Daisy Cooper MPJanuary 19, 2025 - 4:35 pm
- S.T.E.M. successDecember 5, 2024 - 10:00 am
- Beaumont Speaks!October 26, 2024 - 1:08 pm
Forthcoming Events
3rd March
Year 9 Drama Festival
25th March
Spring Music Concert
26th April
BSA Comedy Night
Contact Us
Beaumont School
Austen Way
St Albans
AL4 0XB (use AL4 0XG in sat navs)
Tel: 01727 854726