Course Confirmation & Enrolment: September 2024
This information is updated in the Spring Term of each academic year
Staff will be available on Results Day to answer any specific questions regarding Sixth Form enrolment. We hope, and are expecting, that many of you will have no need of this service and can just confirm your place using the process detailed below. However, if having received your results, you have issues regarding your chosen subjects and need detailed advice, there will be members of the Leadership Team and the Sixth Form team available to support you.Getting advice on GCSE Results Day – Thursday 22nd August
The following documents will help guide students through the Course Confirmation and Enrolment processes:
Please ensure that you return your completed Course Confirmation Form to the marked box provided outside main Reception by the deadline of 10.00am on Friday 23rd August. You will not have to wait until the deadline to return this form as the box will be available from GCSE Results Day. Alternatively, please submit your completed form via e-mail to by the same deadline. If we do not get your form back by this deadline, we have to release the spaces reserved for you on your chosen subjects, so please plan your availability to receive your results, to seek further guidance, if necessary, and to submit your Course Confirmation Form.Enrolment deadline
New students joining Beaumont should bring with them: Enrolment will take place on Tuesday 3rd Sept in the Sixth Form Centre at the following times:Start of Autumn Term: September 2024
If Beaumont is your “home school” but you are studying a course at either Sandringham or Verulam Schools, you can download a useful information leaflet here.BeauSandVer Education Trust information
Information about additional funding to help with education-related costs can be found on the Sixth Form Applications web page.16-19 Bursary Fund information