The Beaumont School Association (BSA)
The Beaumont School Association plays a very important part in the life of the school and all parents/carers of Beaumont students are members of the BSA.
Many parents/carers bring their experience into school to benefit students in a variety of ways; they give interview experience to older students, provide invaluable help with activities such as Careers Fairs, talk to classes about their work, arrange company visits or Work Experience, and offer materials useful for school courses. They also participate in our various fund-raising functions throughout the year, accompany school trips, run a lost property service, sell nearly-new uniform, and contribute in many important ways to school life. The Beaumont School Association (BSA) is the school’s PTA. The Committee, currently comprising a group of parents and staff, plays an additional and very important role, helping at school functions and running social and fundraising events. We hold about six meetings a year and for the larger events, such as the Christmas Fair, we form sub-committees to spread the workload more effectively. The committee representatives play an important part in bringing the school community together and generating significant funds which can then be used to enhance the school experience for our children. The BSA donates funds to all the departments to enrich the teaching for all students, as well as giving sizeable funds, whenever possible, to a particular department where a significant donation will provide a benefit. We also donate some funds to an “inclusion fund” which assists in supporting pupils on key curriculum trips where costs are an issue for the family. Here is a selection of the ways in which the BSA has enriched the school over the past year:
The BSA is always delighted to hear from any Beaumont parents/carers who would like to get involved in organising social and fundraising events or helping in any other way; come along to any committee meeting (see the school calendar for forthcoming dates) or contact BSA members also frequently help out by serving refreshments at some school functions such as the New Year 7 Parents’ Welcome Evening, Secondary Transfer Evening, plays and concerts. We also run a weekly school lottery. Please click here to take part. If you would be interested in joining the committee, or perhaps could volunteer to be an occasional “extra pair of hands” at an event, we would love to hear from you. If you would like more information please email us on: or contact us via School Reception (01727 854726). Follow us on Twitter and FacebookGETTING INVOLVED AT BEAUMONT
EVENTS: 2024-2025
Saturday 14 September 2024, 4.00 – 6.00pm | Welcome to Year 7 Family Barbecue |
Friday 4 October 2024, 7.30pm | Quiz Night |
Saturday 26 April 2025, 7.15pm | Comedy Night |
Thursday 15 May 2025, 7.00pm | BSA AGM |